The Jocast Network

Sunday, February 26, 2012

G+ across the web

I saw a Krispy Kreme that just opened it's doors late last year. One thing I noticed was the Facebook symbol on the glass light up sign outside the building. This has been happening for years, but for some reason I just didn't notice how much a part Facebook is in our lives. I bet more people have Facebook than a cellphone. If I lost my cellphone I'd be OK, but it would hurt. If I lost my Facebook life wouldn't change at all, but it's still an important social tool.

I love G+ and I think it is light years past Facebook. The only reason I even keep my Facebook is to keep in touch with people know in real life. I go to G+ to get interesting post. I could spend all day interacting with people on G+, but I check Facebook for about 2min and move on. Good News is that i'm starting to see G+ across the web. On some websites you can even use your G+ login to register. Good luck G+ we love you!

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